about me! My Senses!
Level: K
The primary focus of these lessons are on young children as
individuals, and how they respond to the stimuli in their world around
The first unit discusses the senses, It introduces the parts of the body
that are sense organs and develops the concept that using the senses helps
people learn about the world around them.
The second unit is health oriented and is designed to help young children
understand their bodies by discussing body parts and movement, how to
care for their bodies, and how their bodies grow. It also incorporates
a lesson on understanding emotions, which encourages students to learn
to share their feelings appropriately.
The unit will provide meaningful, literature-based experiences which assist
the students to develop, practice, and apply critical thinking process
skills. The students are given the opportunity to use, practice, and apply
those processes which are most compatible with their appropriate developmental
Children will be able to:
i. Identify parts of the body that
are sense organs |
ii. Describe what each sense organ does for the body.
Box of candy |
Large clean box |
Low table or clean sheet for floor
and Procedures The following basic process skills are presented
in experiences, which facilitate the children's' advancement toward higher
levels of cognitive maturation therefore towards more advanced thinking
Basic Process Skills:
Observing |
Classifying |
Inferring |
Communicating |
Measuring |
Using Numbers
senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands, skin.
TIME FRAME: 15 - 30 minutes
per lesson. |
NOTE: There are a total of
5 lessons for this unit |
GROUP SIZE: Whole class and small group.
When the children are not in the room, place a box of candy on a low
table covered with a box. Children will sit on the floor in front of the
ASK: How can we find out what
is under this mystery box? |
DISCUSS: How using their senses
can help them learn about unknown things. Remove the box for the students
to see what is underneath. Give each student a candy. |
ASK: What does the candy feel
like? What does a candy taste like? |
CLOSURE: Review the senses used to identify the candy.
ACTIVITIES Put a vegetable or fruit in a small bag. Have the
students sit in a circle. Have the students guess what is in the bag without
looking inside. Pass the bag around and ask the students to shake and
listen to it. Pass the bag and ask the students to feel the object. Students
should now be able to guess what the box contains. The final pass around,
let each student peep in. Discuss the contents of the bag and how they
learned what was in it. Prepare a tray of different fruit and vegetables
for students to taste.
CHALLENGE: Encourage students to use their senses to sort some
fruits and/or vegetables into groups. Students will discuss and share
which senses they are utilizing during this activity. Write on chart paper
the students responses. They may classify by color, smell, or taste.
Materials Needed
Trays of various fruits and vegetables |
Several clean trays for classifying |
Chart Paper |
Marker |
Clean small bag
CENTERS Bulletin Board
Goal: To provide individual students with
the opportunity to show an understanding of the parts of the body that
help them sense their world.
Construction paper |
Yarn |
Glue |
Scissors |
Pictures of objects/living things
Procedure: Make a large head picture of the childrens' favorite
person or character out of construction paper. Make the features exaggerated.
Mount pictures of objects or living things that exemplify using a specific
sense. Attach one end of a piece of yarn to each picture. Ask the students
to attach the other end of the yarn to a sense used to learn about each
Goal: To develop
the senses.
Tape recorder |
Tape with book |
Headphones |
Blank tape |
6 pairs of empty film canisters |
6 pairs of different colored blank
self-adhesive dots |
Feely/mystery box |
6 pairs of small objects |
Tray of fruit/vegetables |
Mirror |
Hand lenses |
Tripod magnifying lens |
Rocks |
Plants |
Nature objects
Procedure: Make five mini-centers for children to explore their
5 senses.
Hearing Center: Listening to a story tape with or without
storybook. Make their own tape recording reading the storybook, then listening
to their tape recording.
Touching Center: Students try an guess what each object
is in the "feely box". Next, through their sense of touch, match each
object with their twin.
Seeing Center: Look at their self in a mirror and draw
a picture of what they see. View various rocks, plants, objects at the
center or classroom with a hand lens, or tripod magnifying lens.
Smelling Center: Through their sense of smell, match each
spice with their twin. Checking their work by closing the lid tightly
and matching the colored dots on the bottom of each film canister.
Tasting Center: Students will taste various fruits and
vegetables, and describe to a friend how each food tastes or tastes like.
it all together
Activity: Take the students
on a field trip out of the school. Go past the offices, near the cafeteria
before lunch, and around the outside of the building. Stop at each place.
ASK: What do you SEE here?
What do you SMELL here? How would the _______TASTE? If you close your eyes,
what do you HEAR here? Go TOUCH the_______, how does it FEEL? |
Field Trip Ideas: Visit an
optometrist's office. Ask the optometrist to discuss the eye parts/functions,
why eye examinations are important, and proper eye care/protection. |
Speakers/Visitors: Invite a person who knows sign language to
visit the class and share with students why some people use this type
of communication.
HINTS:Curriculum Integration
Language Arts Using adjectives
have the students describe an experience or event. Encourage use of multiple
adjectives in their descriptions. List their experiences on chart paper
and ask the students to name which sense would help them to identify what
is happening in each situation. List the senses on the chart paper. |
Art Students will make kaleidoscopes. Using a warm iron and a
pressing cloth, melt crayon shavings between two large sheets of waxed
paper. Cut out circles that will overlap one end of a toilet paper tube.
Secure the circles with tape.
The teacher should make sure that the children are each given the opportunity
to feel and respond to the various questions included in the activities.
Now let the children learn and recite the following Poem. Find out how
many children can learn and recite the Poem.
Title: My Five Senses
I have eyes I can see |
With my ears I can hear. |
I have a nose I can smell |
With my body I can feel. |
And with my tongue I can taste |
But only when it is safe. |
ELSSA, 1997
- Instructor may substitute any of the materials with other appropriate
- Instructor may focus on one sense each month and tie the lessons together
at the end.
- Students may vote and choose which senses they want to learn about
and in which order.
- Students may be asked to interview their family or friends about
the importance of the 5 senses and find out which is their favorite.
Mary L. Nisewander; London Elementary, OR