The idea of lessening stress among science teachers by creating 'schools
villages' is explored. A schools village is a small cluster of schools
situated within the same area. The proximity of the schools is intended
to maximize the use of resources and to promote good neighborliness. The
schools village arrangement is proposed to help alleviate the stress of
teachers by providing them with more material support through the sharing
of resources and with more social support through greater exposure to
colleagues. This idea was tested using data obtained from 368 Nigerian
science teachers. The study found that enhanced personnel relations between
teachers in schools villages helped reduce stress levels in these five
categories of stressors: curriculum, facilities, student characteristics,
administrative and professional growth, and self-satisfaction.
COPYRIGHT Plenum Publishing Corporation 1992
primary interest of this study lay in exploring the potential of the personnel
relations in "schools villages" in reducing science teacher stress. The
schools-village concept which has a Greek origin and is gaining wide acceptance
in many countries of the world, is built on the philosophy of maximum
resource utilization and the engendering of communal spirit. Data gathered
from 368 science teachers in Nigeria indicate that science teacher interactions
in the "schools villages" had a significant depressing effect on stress
level on five clusters of stressors: curriculum, facilities, student characteristics,
administrative, and professional growth and self-satisfaction. The implications
of the results for science teacher welfare and for preparing the citizenry
for the science and technology-dominated world of the twenty-first Century
are drawn.
The environment in which teaching and learning are conducted, be it at
the school or classroom level, has been theorized and empirically demonstrated
to influence the attitude of teachers to work, teacher productivity, and
students' learning (see reviews by Fraser, 1989; Fraser, in press, Fraser,
Docker, & Fisher, 1988). At the level of the school, the findings of several
years of research converge in giving prominence to the subject of interactions
among teachers as being an important factor in discussions on school climate
(Borg, Riding, & Falzon, 1991).
past decade has witnessed a marked increase in concern about issues dealing
with interpersonal relations among teachers (see International Labour
Organisation (ILO) reports summarized by Johanson, 1989; Richter, 1989).
Within this domain of interest, occupational stress among teachers is
a subject that is receiving increasing attention. This increasing level
of concern may be linked with declining achievement levels of students
as reported by national and international studies such as the National
Assessment of Education Progress in the U.S. (Doran, 1990), the 1985 British
Assessment of Performance Unit (Doran, 1990), and the First and Second
International Studies in Science (Helgeson, 1988) and Mathematics (Phillips,
1983; Purves, 1989). It is believed that teachers are now being subjected
to a great deal more stress than before, a situation that Kyriacou (1987)
sees as taking its toll on productivity. Declining teacher productivity,
it is said, translates into declining students' achievement (Anderson,
1989; Helgeson, 1988). Selye (1956), one of the early workers in the area
of stress, defines stress as a non-specific response of the body to any
demand made on it to adapt (what he called the General Adaptation Syndrome).
Some stress is seen as being essential to promote growth: what Selye (1974)
called "one of the spices of life."
has also been defined as a condition of mental and physical exertion brought
about as a result of harassing events or dissatisfying elements in the
environment (Okebukola & Jegede, 1989). On a specific note, teacher stress
has been defined by Kyriacou (1989) as the experience by teachers of unpleasant,
negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, frustration, anger, and depression,
resulting from aspects of work as teachers. Stress leads to the lowering
of on-the-job performance -- a situation that cannot be tolerated in these
days when ways are being sought to improve the quality of teaching in
our schools. Dunham (1984) identified three major approaches to understanding
the nature of stress in teaching. The first, based on the "engineering"
model of stress, looks at the pressures exerted on teachers in schools.
The second, based on the "physiological" model, focuses on the teacher's
reactions to these pressures, e.g., frustration and headaches. The third
approach, based on the "interactional" model of stress, is concerned with
the pressures, reactions, and coping resources which teachers use in their
attempts to cope with stress. Research on teacher stress indicates that
the perception of threat comprises two main stages (Kyriacou, 1989). Stage
1 is when the job demands are perceived by the teacher to be difficult
or impossible to meet satisfactorily. Stage 2 is when failure to meet
these job demands satisfactorily is perceived by the teacher to be a threat
to his or her self-esteem or general well-being.
The most frequently cited sources of stress for teachers generally are:
poor working conditions (Okebukola & Jegede, 1989), misbehavior of students
(Dunham, 1984), lack of resources for teaching (Smilansky, 1984), overload
with non-teaching duties (Payne & Furnham, 1987), and students' poor attitude
toward work (Kyriacou, 1987). Cox and Brockley (1984) reported the results
of a study in which they found that 67% of the teachers in their sample
indicated that their work was the main source of stress as opposed to
35% of the non-teachers in the sample. Cox and Brockley (1984) concluded
that "work appears as a major source of stress for working people, with
teachers appearing to experience more stress through work than non-teachers"
(p. 84). Adding to this growing literature, Coldicott (1985) showed that
"difficult individual pupils" and "trying to maintain and raise standards"
were the most stressful for teachers in his sample, among a list of 21
possible sources of stress. In Wilkinson's (1988) survey, it was found
that the major sources of stress for teachers were "difficulty achieving
desired standards in lessons" "lack of facilities," "daily workload being
too great," and "class sizes too large for facilities." The survey of
296 primary school teachers conducted by Spooner (1984) also provided
a list of factors which stress teachers. Top on the list were "lack of
time with individual pupils," "little time to relax," "visits by inspectors,"
"insufficient time to complete work," and "dealing with uncooperative
pupils." In a recent study involving 710 Maltese teachers, Borg et al.
(1991) showed that teachers who reported greater stress were less satisfied
with their job and less committed to choosing a teaching career were they
to start life over again. On the manifestations of stress conditions,
Dunham (1984) reported that "feelings of exhaustion," "irritability,"
and "tension headaches" were the most frequent indicators of stress by
teachers. Wilkinson's (1988) study of 60 teachers also showed that the
reactions to stress indicated by the respondents were "irritability,"
"frustration," "tension," "anxiety," and "disturbed sleep." In his study
of stress, Spooner (1984) used five physiological stress indicators --the
diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, palmer sweat index, galvanic skin
resistance, and urinary cortisol output. Results showed that these measures
displayed an overall increased response to stress during the school term,
with periods of reduced stress reaction during the holidays. Spooner (1984)
concluded that stress experience increased as the school term progressed.
Handy (1988) sees stress as an individually-based, affect-laden experience,
caused by subjectively perceived stressors. Teacher stress, on the other
hand, has been defined as the experience by a teacher of unpleasant emotions
such as tension, frustration, anxiety, anger, and depression resulting
from events or situations within the teaching work environment (Kyriacou
& Sutcliffe, 1978).
major point of view that has traditionally guided research on stress is
that all categories of teachers whether science, mathematics, or the humanities
are not different in what brings stress to bear on them. The research
that is based on this view has constantly overlooked the fact that a differential
can in fact exist in what stresses the different categories of teachers.
The existence of some common stressors for all the categories is not in
doubt however.
science teacher as claimed by Hoover-Dempsey and Kendall (1982), is subjected
to a great deal more stress than non-science teachers. The authors anchor
their views on three points. First, students on the average, believe that
science is difficult. Their general disposition toward this supposedly
difficult subject matter has great potential for stressing science teachers.
Second, science teaching involving work in the field, nursery, and laboratory
is intensive and fraught with potential dangers for the teacher. Third,
science is regarded in many countries as the in-thing, and policy makers
are encouraging many more youths to enroll for science-based courses.
This means more students for the science teacher and more work and, consequently,
more stress. As the twenty-first Century approaches, the science teacher,
more than others, is being called upon to give his or her best since the
third millennium has been predicted to be one that is dominated by science
and technology (Eichinger, 1990; Kyle, 1989). Science teachers, therefore,
should reach a high point of productivity so that the citizenry can be
prepared to cope more effectively with life beginning from the year 2001.
Thus, if stress among teachers is an issue worthy of being addressed,
then of greater importance is the need to address the issue of science
teacher stress.
lines of research converge indicating that teachers are stressed by personal
and environmental factors. In the personal domain, a major source of variance
in stress arises from individual differences in vulnerability to the impact
of the stressors. These individual differences can be predicted by scores
on measures of neuroticism and extroversion and by measures of propensity
to experience generally low levels of positive affect and generally high
levels of negative affect. Within the area of environmental factors, four
clusters of variables have been found to bring stress to bear on teachers.
These are: (1) pupil misbehavior, (2) poor working conditions, (3) time
pressure, and (4) poor school ethos (Payne & Furnham, 1987). While the
research on science teacher stress has identified stressors which can
fall within these clusters, the specific stressors within each cluster
have been found to be largely different for science teachers (Betkouski,
1981). For instance, stressors that are science teacher-specific are:
"having to use obsolete equipment for science teaching," "non-availability
of safety devices in the lab," "lack of maintenance facilities for lab
equipment," "students' poor performance in science subjects relative to
other school subjects," "students' lack of materials for laboratory use
such as lab coats or dissecting sets," "fear of getting wounded or contracting
diseases in the lab," and the "non-payment of science-teaching allowance"
are science teacher-specific.
from the research efforts on science teacher stress suggests strategies
such as meditation and relaxation and engagement in leisure-time activities
for palliating stress (Betkouski, 1981; Penny, 1982). These would appear
to be after-school remedies. Very scant efforts have been directed at
investigating ways of alleviating stress during school. This line of research
is important insofar as the stressors are expressed during school hours
(Kyriacou, 1987). The relationship between the schools-village arrangement
and the level of science teacher stress was examined in this study.
CONCEPT OF "SCHOOLS VILLAGE" A schools village is a small community
of schools, usually between two and five, located within the same perimeter
(Lipka, 1986). The concept has a Greek origin as the Greeks were known
to have set up schools in clusters primarily to facilitate the development
of good neighborliness and healthy competition among the youths (Carrier,
1984). The Romans were also known to have copied the model from the Greeks.
In modern times, the communist countries have demonstrated great potential
to adopt the schools-village model. To some degree, Sri Lanka (Baker,
1989), Tanzania (Moshe, 1988), Japan (Shimahara, 1986; Hiro, 1986; Duke,
1986), and Nepal (Sharma, 1989) attempt to use the schools-village model.
schools-village concept is built on the philosphy of maximum resource
utilization and the engendering of communal spirit. According to Carrier
(1984) and Sharma (1989), the component schools in the village, by virtue
of proximity, are able to pool resources in such a way that no school
experiences severe lack of human and material resources. With agreement
reached on time-tabling, the schools can put to more efficient use the
teaching materials and personnel present within the schools' village community
without each school necessarily losing its identity. Thus, the "schools
village" arrangement can help to lower teacher stress on two important
sources (1) greater availability of material support through sharing of
resources, and (2) greater availability of social support through extra
contacts with others who share similar values.
human elements in a school village -- principals, teachers, support staff,
and students, have the tendency to develop a good measure of communality
(Carrier, 1984). If for no other reason, the fact of being enclosed within
the same premises for about 6 hours every school day, is sufficient to
bring such communality about. The establishment of schools village started
gaining prominence in Nigeria in 1979. The idea of free education at all
levels which motivated the formation of such schools, started as an election
issue of the Unity Party of Nigeria in that year. In Lagos State especially,
the idea gave leverage to the establishment of schools villages by the
Jakande Administration of 1979-1983 and given a lot of polish by the Mudashiru
regime between 1984 and 1986. Every Local Government now has at least
five such schools villages. Each schools village has a minimum of three
schools enclosed within its perimeter. Each school in turn has its own
principal, and on the average, there are 28 teachers and 600 students
enrolled in the junior and senior secondary classes. On the average, there
are eight science teachers in each school. Laboratory facilities and introductory
technology workshops are provided for each school in the village.
PROBLEM The primary interest in this study lay in exploring
the potential of the personnel relation dimension of the schools village
in reducing science teacher stress. The study was structured so that the
issue of sex of the science teacher and school location, theorized in
a previous study (Okebukola & Jegede, 1989) to affect stress, could also
be addressed. It was our expectation that science teachers in the schools
village will report lower average levels of stress when compared with
science teachers in other teaching settings.
Sample Three hundred and sixty-eight science teachers in 68 schools were
randomly selected from those who have been teaching in their present posts
for at least 3 years. 195 of the teachers (69 female, 126 male) were teaching
in 38 schools located within eight schools villages. Four of the schools
villages are located in urban areas while the other four are rural schools
villages. 173 teachers (51 female, 122 male) were drawn from 30 non-schools
village schools (15 urban, 15 rural). All the schools selected were established
in 1980 and had almost identical laboratory facilities. The 368 science
teachers had comparable teaching experience (6-8 years) and qualifications
(a first degree in their teaching subject with a qualification in education).
The Occupational Stress Inventory for Science Teachers (OSIST), developed
by Okebukola (1988) was used for collecting data on science teacher stress.
This instrument was developed from an earlier version with 53 stressors.
The version used in this study has 25 stressors which had eigenvalues
loading highly on five factors labeled as: curriculum, facilities, student
characteristics, administrative, professional growth, and self-satisfaction.
Each factor has five component stressors which exhibited the top five
eigenvalues for that factor. The list of 25 stressors follows:
25. Fear of getting wounded or contracting diseases in the lab. Each of
the 25 stressors on OSIST is put on a 4-point scale--extreme stress, moderate
stress, very mild stress, and no stress (following Kyriacou, 1987). The
respondent is expected to tick a point on the scale that agrees with the
degree to which the listed stressor brings stress to bear on him or her.
A score of 4,3,2, and 1 was given for extreme stress, moderate stress,
very mild stress, and no stress, respectively. A range of scores of 5-20
was obtainable for each of the five factors on OSIST and 25-100 for the
entire instrument. Subscale reliabilities (alpha) range between 0.79 and
0.91. Alpha for the entire instrument for the sample of the study was
found to be 0.83. Procedure OSIST was administered to the teachers during
visits to the schools between January and February 1989. Follow-up interviews
were conducted for eight teachers in the sample--two from an urban schools
village, two from a rural schools village, two from an urban non-schools
village school, and two from a rural non-schools village school. In each
case, a male and a female were randomly selected. The interviews were
held to shed more light on the responses of the subjects. Each interviewee
was asked to explain or justify his or her response with respect to each
of the 25 items on OSIST. The audiotaped interviews were later transcribed
and the protocols used to gain better insight into the quantitative data
yielded by OSIST.
Three scores were obtained for each respondent: first, was
the score for each of the 25 stressors, second, was the score for each
of the five factors. This an obtained by adding up the scores of the component
stressors. Third, a global score was computed by adding up the scores
for the five factors. Data for teachers in schools village and non-schools
village schools were then coded and analyzed using SPSSPC+.
[TABULAR DATA OMITTED] The data of the study were subjected to a 2 x 2
x 2 ANOVA on the global stress scores for school type (village and non-village),
sex of the teacher (male and female), and school location (rural and urban).
The results reveal that all the main effects were significant beyond .05.
The main effect due to school type recorded the highest F-value and the
greatest statistical significance [F(1, 362) = 18.96, p < .001]. For the
sex main effect, the mean total stress score for male (49.63; SD = 5.83)
and female (52.82; SD = 6.94) was found to be significant at the .05 level
[F(1, 362) = 6.21]. School location main effect was also significant at
the .05 level [F(1, 362) = 4.36]. Science teachers in the rural schools
had a mean stress score of 47.25 (SD = 4.89), while those in urban schools
had a mean stress score of 51.29 (SD = 6.95).
interactions between school type and sex and school type and school location
did not attain statistical significance. The 3-way interaction among the
three variables was however, significant beyond .05 [F(1, 362) = 5.08].
A more detailed insight into the results was obtained by comparing the
mean scores of teachers in the village and non-village school settings
on each of the five factors on OSIST (see Table I). It was found that
the schools village science teachers expressed lower stress level than
the nonschools village teachers on all the factors: curriculum, facilities,
student characteristics, administrative, and professional growth and self-satisfaction.
The greatest difference was recorded for stressors under facilities. While
the schools village teachers had a mean stress score of 5.20, non-schools
village teachers has a mean stress score of 13.01. The statistical significance
of this difference was shown by the t-value of 15.60. The least difference
between schools-village and non-schools village science teachers was found
to be in the area of curriculum.
DATA OMITTED] Table II provides data that are specific for each stressor
for schools village and non-schools village science teachers. For curriculum-related
stressors, no significant difference was found between the two groups
of teachers with respect to "overloaded science syllabus," "not enough
periods on the school timetable for effective science teaching," and "inadequacy
of good science textbooks for students' use." Two variables in this category
were found to differentially stress the two groups. These are "having
to teach traditionally difficult topics," and "having to teach subjects
like Integrated science, that one is not trained for." Two teachers who
were interviewed stated that: ...teaching difficult topics is no longer
much of a problem to us these days. We find out early in the term, the
topics that we all feel at home with. When we get to the difficult topics,
we call on the expert science teacher in that area to help out with teaching
all the classes (teacher from schools village). ... I am not too confident
with teaching genetics and ecology. It is unfortunate that these make
up good part of the biology syllabus. I do my best in other topics though
(teacher from non-school village).
was found, as reported in Table II, that schools-village and non-schools-village
science teachers have significantly different perception of the level
of stress brought about by stressors under Facilities. Four out of the
five stressors in this category yielded significant t-values. Data in
Table II show that schools-village science teachers perceived issues dealing
with facilities to cause them little stress. This contrasts with the high
mean stress values recorded for non-schools-village science teachers.
Interviews and inspection of facilities in both schools showed that in
the schools villages, the staggering of practical classes on the timetable
permitted each school to take advantage of equipment and materials in
other schools in the schools village. For instance, while one or two schools
are having chemistry practical classes in the schools village, the other
schools are engaged in other subjects. This arrangement made sharing of
laboratory materials possible. In some cases, as reported by some teachers
who were interviewed, the teacher in another school who is free, lends
a hand in the schools where his subject is being taught.
next to the stressor on students' characteristics, data from the study
showed that "stealing of laboratory equipment and materials by students"
and "students' lack of materials for use in the lab," featured as low
stressors to the schools-village science teachers. Interview protocols
showed that the students in the schools village acted as "watch dogs"
for each other in tune with the communal spirit. They shared materials
and resisted stealing or damaging lab equipment.
significant difference was found between the two groups of teachers with
respect to "students' demonstrated lack of interest in science." It is
interesting to note that a higher stress value was found for the schools-village
science teachers on this variable. For the stressors clustering on administrative
variables, no significant difference was recorded for schools-village
science teachers in three out of the four variables. The same pattern
of results was found for the stressors on professional growth and self-satisfaction.
Two points will be emphasized here. First, "inadequate budget for the
science department" emerged as the greatest stressor, with a mean value
of 3.08 for the schools-village science teachers and 3.06 for the non-schools-village
science teachers. Second, the schools-village science teachers had a lower
stress score for "limited time for leisure and relaxation." As discussions
with the teachers revealed, the cooperative interaction among the science
teachers in the schools villages freed the teachers at different times
during the school day for some form of relaxation at school.
At the outset, the major methodological weakness of the study (quasi-experimental
design) should be acknowledged. Subjects were not randomly allocated to
the schools village or the non-schools village conditions. In the absence
of other evidence, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the teachers
in the two conditions differ on the relevant characteristics, e.g., intrinsic
motivation in teaching, level of training, and level of relevant experience,
which might have resulted in the mean differences in reported stress-related
regard to the prediction of the study, quantitative and qualitative data
obtained endorsed the correctness of this prediction that science teachers
in schools villages will report lower average levels of stress compared
with science teachers in other teaching settings (see Tables I and II).
The 3-way ANOVA revealed that the schools-village science teachers recorded
a lower mean stress score when compared with their colleagues in the non-schools
village institutions, in 18 out of the 25 stressors.
of the mean differences between the two groups of teachers were found
to be statistically significant beyond the .01 level. Interviews conducted
with the teachers provided data to pin down the source of the differences,
to the schools-village arrangement and personal relations. The interviews
revealed the existence of social and professional support among the teachers
in the schools village. This appeared to be the predominant active ingredient
of the personnel relations in the schools villages.
results can be further explained by the moderating hypothesis proposed
by House (1981). According to the hypothesis, individuals who have supportive
relationships are able to rely on others in dealing with stressful situations.
As a result, stress does not bear heavily on them. On the other hand,
individuals who lack supportive social relationships are vulnerable to
stress. Emprical evidence (not provided as hard data in this study) is
becoming available to support this hypothesis. For instance, the study
by Belcastro, Gold, and Grant (1982) indicates that teachers who were
classified as stressed and burned out, spent less time with their fellow
workers than did other teachers. Zabel and Zabel (1982) reported that
teachers who perceived greater administrative and peer support were less
stressed. Also, a survey of a random sample of science teachers in New
Hampshire found that higher levels of peer interaction and support at
work from colleagues was associated with lower levels of stress (Schwab,
Jackson, and Schuler, 1984). In a more recent study of 316 teachers in
Iowa, Russell and Van Velzen (1987) found teachers who reported that they
had supportive supervisors and colleagues expressing a significantly lower
degree of stress when compared with those who do not have such support.
The schools-village arrangement and interpersonal relations among teachers
in schools in such a set up, were found to provide supportive role for
the science teachers in the study with the possible consequence of lowering
their stress levels. Of the five clusters of stressors, stressors clustering
on facilities were found to be most predisposing to stressing non-schools
village science teachers (Table II). The science education literature
is replete with evidence documenting a global trend in facilities shortage
and outcry of teachers on possible effects of such a trend on their teaching
efforts (see for example Druger, 1986; Yager, 1986). Consequently, the
schools village arrangement of resource sharing would appear to have great
potential in reducing the magnitude of the effects of facilities shortage
in individual schools, including that of science teacher stress. It is
worth recognizing that social support is less an environment variable
and more of an individual resource as the ability to avail oneself of
what social resources are available.
In the schools village, teachers worked out arrangements for maximizing
the use of available human and material resources. The school timetable
arrangements permitted short-term loan of equipment and materials. Teachers
with expert knowledge of a topic also made their services available for
teaching such topics in other schools in the schools village, if the regular
teacher perceive such topics to be difficult to teach.
the whole, the quality of collaborative efforts in the schools village
exerted a reducing effect on possible stressful events to science teachers
in the schools village. The variable of sex was also of interest in this
study. We found that the female science teachers in the sample were more
stressed than their male counterparts. This is in line with the findings
of Greenglass, Burke, and Ondrach (1990). It is believed that women are
more likely to be subjected to a greater degree of stress in occupations
traditionally perceived to be of male domain in the sciences, engineering,
and technology (Case & Richardson, 1990). The more taxing demand of the
job, coupled with the demands of the home, have been speculated to be
possible explanation for this situation (Linskold, 1978; Long & Gessaroli,
main effect due to school location was found to be significant. Urban
teachers were found to be more stressed than those in rural areas. This
is in agreement with the pattern of results on stress, indicating that
non-work-related stressors combine with occupational stress in the cities
to exert greater stress on urban workers in comparison with their rural
counterparts (Sparks, 1983). We did not explore the interaction of school
type, sex of teacher, and school location further since the 3-way interaction
F-value failed to attain significance.
this study, we examined how the schools-village interpersonal relations
can be a candidate factor in reducing stress levels of science teachers
during the school day. It would appear that the schools-village concept
is not a worldwide phenomenon. Also, there may be a downside to the approach
in terms of extratravel requirements, the need to interact with and trust
more colleagues as well as extra meetings. Therein lies a major stumbling
block to the generalizability of the findings of the study. However, what
has clearly emerged from the study is the evidence that collaborative
efforts, and the sharing of human and material resources in these economically
lean times, have great potential for reducing stress during the school
day especially among science teachers. Since collaboration and resource
sharing can be a worldwide phenomena, the hinderance to the replication
of this study and the generalizability of its findings may not be as harsh
after all. Perhaps if the schools-village model is adopted in many other
countries, further evidence can be obtained from these countries and others
currently operating such models, about the efficacy of the interpersonal
relations in such schools villages in making science teaching an exciting,
low-stress activity. We may then be assured of greater productivity and
better preparation of the citizenry for the science- and technology-dominated
world of the twenty-first Century.
College of Business Administration, 326 Baker Hall, Bradley University,
Peoria, Illinois 61625.
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Aaron A. Buchko, College
of Business Administration, 326 Baker Hall, Bradley University, Peoria,
Illinois 61625.
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Human Relations, July 1992 v45 n7 p735(17)