have changed a lot since many of us were educated to teach science in
the middle or high school classroom. Why? Because the world is now more
of a "hands on" place, which produces "hands on" kids.
Over the past 20 years, educational professionals have had to modify their
"traditional" methodology to satisfy the American student's changing needs.
The science classroom, especially, is ever evolving from a passive to
an active place where lecture notes, textbook assignments, and structured
tests are gradually being replaced by laboratory team investigation.
American teenagers interact physically with their world. Most don't read
books for knowledge or entertainment. Instead, they log on to the Internet
as soon as they get home from school or interact in cyberspace with the
latest hero of video games.
play all the "in" sports and hang out in groups that zip around in four-wheel-drive
vehicles. Wild rappers on MTV, the staged chaos of violent afternoon talk
shows, and the latest disaster movie provide even more stimulation.
So what happens to these '90s kids when they get stuck in a "traditional"
'50s science classroom? Some goal-oriented kids meticulously take notes
and read every assigned page of their boring textbook because they realize
how important grades will be when they are facing parents at report-card
time or trying to get into a good college.
far too many others, who find it difficult to discipline themselves to
a "pencil and paper" classroom, drift through tedious lectures, skim over
difficult textbooks, skip the boring questions at the end of each chapter,
and finally fail highly structured tests with very fine-tuned grading
scales. These are the kids who have inspired the concept of "cooperative"
or "hands on" education, which is already working very well in many middle
and high school classrooms.
All science teachers must realize that teaching in the new millennium
will require far more of them. They will have to become adept at teaching
"cooperatively" because the world of education, which was once teacher
centered, has now become student centered. The teacher, who used to be
infinite, has become finite and is now required to be accountable, not
only to the principal, but to evermore-vocal and disgruntled parents and
this means to science teachers of the new millennium is adaptation and
reeducation in state-of-the-art teaching techniques. If they are to retain
their current professional status, they must go into this brave, new,
computerized world with the gusto of a student teacher, who believes she
can do it all.
many middle and high school science teachers are already intimidated by
their drastically changing profession. Some really don't believe in the
validity of "cooperative" education or don't believe they could ever achieve
the skills to run a "cooperative" classroom effectively.
just don't want to make the effort to change their mentality, their methodology,
and their physical surroundings to include a "hands on" approach to the
science curriculum. They realize that it takes a deep love of learning,
a lot of work, and true flexibility to go from the "boss" of the classroom
to the "mentor" of teams of students. They are not convinced that the
"team" approach really boosts individual student self-esteem along with
illustrating that the concepts in science far outweigh the details.
principals, too, are caught in the time warp of the '50s, believing that
teaching tools should be left totally in the hands of individual classroom
teachers. They never even stop to consider that, without frequent updating
of teaching technique, even the best of teachers fossilize.
despite all the opposition from "traditional" educators, "cooperative"
learning is paving the science highway of the future. More and more studies
of learning retention point to "hands on" learning as the most effective
means of getting and holding the student's attention, teaching individual
concepts and skills, and banking knowledge which will be recalled and
used by most students all through their lives.
Teachers of the new millennium, then, must allow their students to think,
discuss, experiment, and debate the validity of their conclusions if they
are to be effective educators.
IT IS What is "cooperative" or "hands on" science? The best
way to determine what it is is to take a peek at how it works in the classroom.
Connors is a third-year biology teacher who was fascinated by the concept
of cooperative education in her college education courses. She was one
of those high school biology students who despised memorizing and regurgitating
facts in order to "earn a good grade." Consequently, when she became a
biology teacher, she changed the rules.
the beginning of each new semester, she informs her students that she
will be their mentor, not their master. All eyes in her classroom suddenly
focus on her. Even the cheaters and class clowns listen as she presents
the steps of the scientific method and then asks the class to break up
into modules of three students who are able to work well together.
moves for a few seconds, but finally her students rearrange themselves
into small groups at lab tables while she puts this sentence on the board:
"Seeds, not stones, germinate and grow." After a moment of silence, she
asks her teams to think about this statement, discuss it, and then come
up with a problem which they can investigate to test its validity.
She watches her students as they exchange skeptical glances. They have
never had to solve a problem on their own, let alone come up with one.
Ms. Connors suggests that they organize their efforts by electing a team
leader, who will coordinate their group efforts and be a liaison between
herself and their group. They do this.
then suggests that the team leader assign individual tasks (like developing
a problem or deciding how to set up a written procedure and present their
data) to each member of her group. She emphasizes that the steps of the
scientific method must guide their own steps.
brains storm and ideas pop up all over the classroom as every member of
each team becomes an important cog in a working machine. The team leader
helps her group solidify their problem and then brings it to the teacher
for her approval and signature.
getting Ms. Connors' OK, the group begins to hypothesize an answer to
its problem and to discuss the merits of the procedure they wrote and
data-recording tools they plan to use to solve their problem. When they
refine their report, they obtain Ms. Connors' signature once again. This
allows them to perform their experiment in a laboratory situation.
student in each laboratory group feels empowered as the actual work begins.
Individual group members choose tasks to perform in the process of experimentation
and agree to document the results of their tasks in the final lab report.
pressure then becomes the motivating factor behind performance as group
members are given the right, by Ms. Connors, to eliminate a noncooperative
member from their group. This dismissal by peers soon convinces a nonworker
to shape up or risk doing the experiment alone.
the experimentation is completed, the team leader submits the collated,
fine-tuned, computer-typed, group lab report to Ms. Connors. She examines
the report for correct application of the scientific method, as well as
for accurate research and data reporting. She checks that the conclusion
of each group's report reflects a logical approach to using valid data
to solve the group's proposed problem.
she grades individual groups, not according to a stringent, "traditional,"
percentage scale, but according to the groups' creativity, research, abstract
reasoning, and, finally, their ability to coordinate tasks. All team members
receive the same grade on their lab report, and individual students are
always encouraged to switch to another team, if they are unhappy with
their original lab group.
kids feel comfortable, important, and responsible is an integral part
of Ms. Connors' agenda. Although there is no formal "test" at the end
of a "cooperative" learning session, every member of every team has learned
a lot.
can Ms. Connors be sure of this? Perhaps by comparing her laboratory team
experiences to learning a skill like riding a bicycle. There is no memorization
or regurgitation of the rules associated with being able to hop on a bike,
balance, and ride. Trial, mistakes, and finally success, imprints the
never-to-be-forgotten skill of riding a bike onto the brain of the biker.
THE LAB How can cooperative learning reach beyond
the laboratory situation in a science classroom?Small
groups of students who are willing to cooperate with one another can form
modules within the science classroom and work together on assigned questions
or group study projects. Teams can study together for tests and perform
as a unit on teacher-administered oral quizzes. Modules can compete with
other modules in their classroom in learning sessions which are patterned
on the format of the game show "Jeopardy," where the teacher asks questions,
selects the best answers, and again grades the working team as a unit.
groups of science students can also research topics together in the school
library, on the computer, and on the Internet. Then they can present their
research in the form of a group report or work in class with their partners
on vocabulary study and concept mapping. Teams of students can make up
science unit tests to exchange with other teams of students when reviewing
for tests or for a final exam.
teams work together, "crossing curriculum" will occur naturally. Those
students with special talents in writing, spelling, calculator and computer
literacy, mathematics, logical thinking, and organization will share their
expertise with other members of their team in the process of completing
a task.
what about all this noise? It's enthusiastic, productive, and controlled
from within rather than from without. It is the earmark that cooperative
education is really working in a science classroom.
the most important skill learned in cooperative learning is cooperation.
Many children do not belong to a truly cooperative, functional family
in our high-tech, materialistic society. They lack experience in belonging
to and working within a small, tightly-knit, secure group, and so they
miss the sense of self-esteem which goes along with being a truly functional
member of a successful team.
Cooperative learning helps kids relate to other kids and provides each
student with the ability to earn self-esteem among peers while teaching
important lessons in how to work cooperatively together with others in
order to achieve a goal. The world which has been created by teams in
a science classroom will then become a microcosmic model for the working
world, the one which individual members of these teams will actually enter
into after their formal education is through.
will always be books that must be read, math problems that must be done,
lectures for which notes must be taken, individual homework that must
be turned in, and even facts that must be memorized for written tests
that must be taken. Certain scientific concepts simply are not able to
be investigated, and the result of that fact is that the traditional approach
to teaching science will continue to be a useful classroom tool.
until American teachers make room in their science classrooms for cooperative
education and judge their students' performance by more than stacks of
checked paperwork, often ambiguous testing, and exacting grading scales;
until American educators believe that kids, when given a more "open" classroom
situation, will be inspired to learn, not to cheat; until American teachers
approach teaching in an updated, positive way; until all this takes place,
we cannot expect American students to achieve their full potential and
be formidable competitors in the ever-expanding world that will be there
for them in the new millennium.
McGraw has taught in Detroit, Michigan, schools for 28 years and currently
teaches science at Notre Dame Preparatory School, Pontiac, Michigan. She
can be reached at 5400 Breeze Hill Place, Troy, MI 48098.
The Education Digest 64 no9 29-33 My '99 The magazine publisher
is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission.