Section 5
Hypothesis Testing: One Sample
By Boundless

Tests of significance are a statistical technology used for ascertaining the likelihood of empirical data, and (from there) for inferring a real effect.

A statistical hypothesis test is a method of making decisions using data from a scientific study.

The alternative hypothesis and the null hypothesis are the two rival hypotheses that are compared by a statistical hypothesis test.

If the result of a hypothesis test does not correspond with reality, then an error has occurred.

If a test of significance gives a

A one-tailed hypothesis is one in which the value of a parameter is either above or equal to a certain value or below or equal to a certain value.

Creating a hypothesis test generally follows a five-step procedure.

Here we will evaluate an example of hypothesis testing for a single proportion.

In this section we will evaluate an example of hypothesis testing for a single mean.

In this section we will evaluate an example of hypothesis testing for a single variance.