Section 3
Comparing More than Two Means
Version 1
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Statistics
by Boundless
5 concepts
Elements of a Designed Study
The problem of comparing more than two means results from the increase in Type I error that occurs when statistical tests are used repeatedly.
Randomized Design: Single-Factor
Completely randomized designs study the effects of one primary factor without the need to take other nuisance variables into account.

Multiple Comparisons of Means
ANOVA is useful in the multiple comparisons of means due to its reduction in the Type I error rate.

Randomized Block Design
Block design is the arranging of experimental units into groups (blocks) that are similar to one another, to control for certain factors.

Factorial Experiments: Two Factors
A full factorial experiment is an experiment whose design consists of two or more factors with discrete possible levels.