Section 3
Elements of Social Interaction
By Boundless

Social status refers to one's standing in the community and his position in the social hierarchy.

Role theory argues that human behavior is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by others in the community.

Role conflict describes the conflict between or among the roles corresponding to two or more statuses held by one individual.
Culture is the set of beliefs, values, symbols, rituals, fashions, etiquette, foods, and art that unite a particular society.
Social class is a measure of where a particular person falls on the social hierarchy.
Groups are collections of people who identify and interact with one another and are united in some way.

An institution is any structure or mechanism of social order governing the behavior of a set of individuals within a given community.

A social network is a social structure that exists between actors—individuals or organizations.

A virtual world is an online community that takes the form of a computer-based simulated environment through which users can interact.