Version 14
Created by Boundless
Substance Abuse and Health

Substance abuse chart
This chart compares the relative danger of particular substances based on the dependence level developed and the potential physical harm to the user and others. Heroin, with an extremely high dependence and high potential for physical harm, is an extremely dangerous substance.
Substances with low dependence and low physical harm include Khat, Alkyl nitrates, Anabolic steroids, Solvents, Ecstasy, GHB, LSD, and Cannabis. Substances with medium dependence and physical harm include tobacco, alchohol, benzodiazepines, buprenorphine, amphetamine, and ketamine. Substances with high dependence and physical harm, in order of increasing physical harm, are street methadone, barbiturates, cocaine, and heroin, with heroin having both the highest physical harm and dependence.
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