Version 14
Created by Boundless
Substance Abuse and Health

Spectrum of substance use
Substance use falls on a spectrum ranging from beneficial, prescribed and monitored use of prescription drugs to the recreational use, abuse, or dependence on illicit drugs.
The spectrum of substance abuse from best to worst. Beneficial use has positive health, spiritual, or social impact, e.g. medical pharmaceuticals, coffee or tea to increase alertness, moderate consumption of red wine, or sacramental use of ayahuasca or peyote. Casual or non-problematic use is recreational, casual, or other use that has negligible health or social effects. Problematic use begins to have negative consequences for the individual, friends or family, or society, e.g. impaired driving, binge consumption, or harmful routes of administration. Chronic dependence is use that has become habitual and compulsive despite negative health and social effects.
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"Spectrum of substance use."