Section 3
Voter Turnout
Version 13
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Political Science
Political Science
by Boundless
5 concepts

Voter Turnout
The significance of voter turnout, the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election, has been debated by scholars.

Factors Affecting Voter Turnout
Many causes have been proposed for the decline in voting, including demographics, voter fatigue and voter suppression, among other things.

Low Voter Turnout
Low voter turnout is often considered to be undesirable; there is much debate over the factors that affect turnout and how to increase it.

Attempts to Improve Voter Turnout
Generally, rules and laws are easier to change than attitudes, and thus the task of improving voter turnout must consider these factors.

The Effect of Low Voter Turnout
Assuming that low turnout is a reflection of disenchantment, a poll with very low turnout may be an inaccurate reflection of the electorate.