Version 17
Created by Boundless
Overview of the Spinal Nerves

Spinal nerve function table
Spinal nerve motor functions are presented in a table.
Spinal nerve motor functions are presented in a table. Spinal nerve levels are given, followed by their motor function. C1 to C6: Neck flexors. C1 to T1: Neck extensors; C3, C4, C5: Supply diaphragm; C5, C6: Move shoulder, raise arm, flex elbow; C6: externally rotate the arm; C6, C7: Extend elbow and wrist; C7, C8: Flex wrist; supply small muscles of the hand.T1 to T6: Intercostals and trunk above the waist; T7 to L1: Abdominal muscles; L1 to L4: Flex thigh; L2 to L5 and S1: Adduct thigh, extend leg at knee, abduct thigh, flex leg at the knee, dorsiflex foot, and extend toes; L5, S1, S2: Extend leg at the hip, plantar flex foot, and flex toes.
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