Section 3
Second Week of Development
Version 29
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Anatomy and Physiology
by Boundless
6 concepts

Trophoblast Development
Trophoblasts are the outer layer of cells that provide nutrients to the embryo and form part of the placenta.

Bilaminar Embryonic Disc Development
The floor of the amniotic cavity is formed by the embryonic disc.

Amnion Development
The amnion contains the fluid that cushions and protects the fetus.

Yolk Sac Development
The yolk sac is vascularized and contributes nutrients to the embryo.

Sinusoid Development
The sinusoids are capillaries that develop after implantation to allow the exchange of gas and nutrients with the mother.

Development of the Extraembryonic Coelom
The extra-embryonic coelom is a cavity that contains the chorion. It is located between Heuser's membrane and the trophoblast.