Section 6
Control of Blood Pressure
By Boundless

The cardiovascular system plays a role in body maintenance by transporting hormones and nutrients and removing waste products.
Neural regulation of blood pressure is achieved through the role of cardiovascular centers and baroreceptor stimulation.
Blood pressure is controlled chemically through dilation or constriction of the blood vessels by vasodilators and vasocontrictors.

Consistent and long-term control of blood pressure is determined by the renin-angiotensin system.

Checking circulation involves measurement of blood pressure and pulse through a variety of invasive and noninvasive methods.

Pulse is a measurement of heart rate by touching and counting beats at several body locations, typically at the wrist radial artery.

Measurement of blood pressure includes systolic pressure during cardiac contraction and diastolic pressure during cardiac relaxation.

Chronically elevated blood pressure is called hypertension, while chronically low blood pressure is called hypotension.