Section 4
Cell Walls of Prokaryotes
Version 6
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Microbiology
by Boundless
6 concepts

The Cell Wall of Bacteria
Bacteria are protected by a rigid cell wall composed of peptidoglycans.

Gram-Negative Outer Membrane
The Gram-negative cell wall is composed of an outer membrane, a peptidoglygan layer, and a periplasm.

Gram-Positive Cell Envelope
Gram-positive bacteria have cell envelopes made of a thick layer of peptidoglycans.

Mycoplasmas and Other Cell-Wall-Deficient Bacteria
Some bacteria lack a cell wall but retain their ability to survive by living inside another host cell.

Cell Walls of Archaea
Archaeal cell walls differ from bacterial cell walls in their chemical composition and lack of peptidoglycans.

Damage to the Cell Wall
The cell wall is responsible for bacterial cell survival and protection against environmental factors and antimicrobial stress.