Overview of the Market Research Process:
- Step 1: Problem Definition
- Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
- Step 3: Research Design Formulation
- Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
- Step 5: Data Preparation & Analysis
- Step 6: Report Preparation & Presentation
Step 6: Report Preparation & Presentation
During the Report Preparation & Presentation step, the entire project should be documented in a written report that addresses the specific research questions identified; describes the approach, the research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures adopted; and presents the results and the major findings. This permanent document is also helpful because it can be easily referenced by others who may not have been part of the research.
The findings should be presented in a comprehensible format so that they can be readily used in the decision making process. In addition, an oral presentation should be made to management using tables, figures, and graphs to enhance clarity and impact .

Someone giving a presentation using visual elements.
A successful presentation will include but is not limited to the following elements:
- Final conclusions (based on the insights gathered from data collected) that effectively meet the initial objectives of the research
- Recommendations about how to apply the research
- Charts, graphs, and visual elements that help showcase important facts and make the presentation easily digestible and memorable
A formal research report presentation typically includes the following:
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Background
- Research Objectives
- Research Methodology
- Highlights of Fieldwork Data Collected
- Appendix (including Respondent Screening Instrument and Questionnaire)
- Findings/Insights
- Recommendations/Implications and Action Plan