Section 3
Interaction of Individuals, Firms, and Societies
Version 3
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Economics
by Boundless
7 concepts

Introducing the Firm
Firms allow an economy to operate more efficiently and reduce the transaction costs of coordinating production.

Trade Leads to Gains
Producers and consumers trade because the exchange makes both parties better off.

Thinking about Efficiency
An efficient market maximizes total consumer and producer surplus.

The Function and Nature of Markets
In a free market, the price and quantity of an item are determined by the supply and demand for that item.

Markets are Typically Efficient
A perfectly competitive market with full property rights is typically efficient.

Government Intervention May Fix Inefficient Markets
Governments can intervene to make a market more efficient when a market failure, such as externalities or asymmetric information, exists.

Full Economy Interactions
Variables that describe the full economy, such as GDP and unemployment, are determined by the decisions of individual economic actors.