Rate is Speed of Speaking Measured in Words Per Minute
Rate is how fast or slow a person speaks. Rate is part of the paralanguage of speech along with loudness and pitch. It is not language but it accompanies all of your spoken use of language and can convey attitude and emotion. You can vary the rate depending on the emotions you are feeling or the type of message you are communicating. For example, if you are experiencing joy, you will speak at a fast rate compared to a speaker who is expressing surprise who will speak at a much faster rate. Normally, you speak about 125 words per minute. But you may speak much slower at about 100 wpm if you are giving a slide presentation.
You will find that the rate of speaking in audiobooks is about 150-160 words per minute whereas auctioneers can speak at about 250 wpm. According to the Guinness World Record, the current fastest speaker is Steve Woodmore, who was clocked at a rate of 637 wpm. Caution--slow down a minute to consider what you might do with your speech rate to be more effective.

Traffic Warning Speed Sign
Caution, watch the rate of your speech.
Tips for Speakers
- When speaking you want to speak at a varied rate so that you can emphasize important parts of your message.
- You also want to change the rate for the mood or emotion of the message and the occasion. If you want to show excitement at a pep rally you will naturally speak at a faster rate than if you were speaking at a funeral where you would speak slower because you are sad or contemplative.
- You might also speak slower if you are making choices and thinking carefully about what you are saying; a slower pace may conveys your thoughtfulness to the audience.
- Use a recorder to record your speech so you can clock your actual speaking rate.
Finally, ask yourself if you are speaking too fast because you are nervous!