Section 5
Trends in Organization
Version 6
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Business
by Boundless
6 concepts

Flattening Hierarchies
Flattening hierarchies can benefit smaller organizations by increasing employee empowerment, participation, and efficiency.

Decentralizing Responsibility
In decentralized structures, responsibility for decision making is broadly dispersed down to the lower levels of an organization.

Increasing Empowerment
Modern organizations are more aware of the value of empowered employees and actively strive to structurally increase empowerment.

Increasing Adaptation
In order to succeed, modern organizations must constantly adapt to evolving technologies and expanding global markets.

Moving to Flexible Work Schedules
Employers can offer flexible working arrangements in the form of flextime and telecommuting work.

Increasing Coordination
Increasing coordination helps organizations to maintain efficient operations through communication and control.