Ethics: A Brief Definition
Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the meaning of all aspects of human behavior. Theoretical ethics, sometimes called normative ethics, is about delineating right from wrong. It is supremely intellectual and, as a branch of philosophy, rational in nature. It is the reflection on and definition of what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad in terms of human behavior. It helps us develop the rules and principles (norms) by which we judge and guide meaningful decision-making.
Business Ethics
Business ethics, also called corporate ethics, is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines the ethical and moral principles and problems that arise in a business environment. It can also be defined as the written and unwritten codes of principles and values, determined by an organization's culture, that govern decisions and actions within that organization. It applies to all aspects of business conduct on behalf of both individuals and the entire company. In the most basic terms, a definition for business ethics boils down to knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing to do what is right.
There are three parts to the discipline of business ethics: personal (on a micro scale), professional (on an intermediate scale), and corporate (on a macro scale). All three are intricately related. It is helpful to distinguish among them because each rests on a slightly different set of assumptions and requires a slightly different focus in order to be understood.

Pierre Omidyar, Richard Branson
CEOs must adhere to ethical standards