In some instances, a company may offer its shareholders an alternative option to receiving cash dividends. The shareholder chooses to not receive dividends directly as cash; instead, the shareholder's dividends are directly reinvested in the underlying equity. This is called a dividend reinvestment program or dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP).
The purpose of the DRIP is to allow the shareholder to immediately reinvest his or her dividends in the company. Should the shareholder choose to do this on his or her own, s/he would have to wait until enough cash accumulates to buy a whole number of shares and s/he would also incur brokerage fees .

Charles Schwab
Brokerage firms like Charles Schwab earn money by charging a brokerage fee for executing transactions. Thus, participating in a DRIP helps shareholders avoid some or all of the fees they would occur if they reinvested the dividends themselves.
Participating in a DRIP, however, does not mean that the reinvestment of the dividends is free for the shareholder. Some DRIPs are free of charge for participants, while others do charge fees and/or proportional commissions.
DRIPs have become popular means of investment for a wide variety of investors as DRIPs enable them to take advantage of dollar-cost averaging with income in the form of corporate dividends that the company is paying out. Not only is the investor guaranteed the return of whatever the dividend yield is, but s/he may also earn whatever the stock appreciates to during his or her time of ownership. However, s/he is also subject to whatever the stock may decline to, as well.
There is an advantage to the the company managing the DRIP, too. DRIPS inherently encourage long-term investment in the shares, which helps to mitigate some of the volatility associated with active-trading. DRIPs help to stabilize the stock price.
The name "DRIP" is generally associated with programs run by the dividend-paying company. However, some brokerage firms also offer similar plans where shareholders can choose to have their cash dividends reinvested in stocks for little or no cost. This is called a synthetic DRIP.