About Book Dash
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Write, illustrate, design?
Join a team. Make a book. Change the world.
Book Dash gathers creative volunteers to create new African storybooks that anyone can freely print, translate and distribute.
Why Book Dash?
Children in South Africa need more books, but they cost too much purchased from publishers. The cheapest books have no publisher – then the only cost is printing. So our participants do the work of publishers in a single day. After that, anyone can get print runs sponsored and put finished books into the hands of children.
We believe every child should own a hundred books by the age of five. In South Africa, that means giving 600 million free books to children who could never afford to buy them. Every day we lose, more children grow up unable to read and write well, and to enjoy the worlds that books open up.

In February of 2017, we were featured on SABC Newsroom. Have a listen to what we have to say: