Excel 2003

Using AutoFilter


By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Filter data in a spreadsheet

Using AutoFilter

The AutoFilter feature makes filtering, or temporarily hiding, data in a spreadsheet easy. This allows you to focus on specific spreadsheet entries.

To use AutoFilter:

  • Select Data from the main menu.
  • Select Filter action AutoFilter .
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the heading you would like to filter.

For example, if you would like to only view data from the West Sales Region , click the drop-down arrow next to Sales Region .


  • Choose the data you would like to display .

In this example, you would choose West . All other data will be filtered, or hidden, and only the West Sales Region data is visible.

Tip Click the drop-down arrow again, and select All to display all of your original data.


Download and save the Employee Sales spreadsheet to complete this challenge.

  • Open the Employee Sales spreadsheet.
  • Use the AutoFilter feature to filter all entries except for the North Sales Region .
  • Continue to use AutoFilter until you are comfortable with this feature.
  • Save and close the spreadsheet.