Basic Spanish Skills

Directions and Distances

Directions and distances

When traveling in a foreign country, it can be difficult getting around, especially if you're not familiar with the language. Let's take a look at some words and phrases that can help you find your way.

Asking for directions

Getting lost or struggling to find a certain location while you're traveling can certainly be frustrating. In these situations, you may need to ask someone for help.

Let's look at some questions that may come in handy when you need directions. Click the buttons to hear each word, or hover your mouse over the words to see an English translation.

¿Me pueden ayudar con este dirección por favor?

¿Cómo puedo llegar a...?

¿Dónde estamos aquí en el mapa?


Knowing what questions to ask is important, but you'll also need to understand the corresponding answers. The following are some words you might encounter. They may also be helpful when reading signs and other text.

Let's have a look at some popular direction words. Click the buttons to hear each word, or hover your mouse over the words to see an English translation.







Sigue derecho


In addition to directions, there may be times during your travels when you want to know how far away a place may be.

Below are some popular distance words. Click the buttons to hear each word, or hover your mouse over the words to see an English translation.




These are just a few popular terms and phrases that may be helpful during your travels. If you'd like to learn more vocabulary about transportation and locations, check out our next lesson!